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Which are my favourite Santorini pictures? – Photos of Santorini Greece by Rick McEvoy

Which are my favourite Santorini pictures?

When I say my favourite Santorini pictures I mean pictures taken by me. I am not saying that these are the best pictures of Santorini – far from it. I am just saying that these are my favourite pictures that I took when I went to Santorini.

This website is about Santorini, my photos and photography.

It is not a guide to Santorini – it is the story of me and my experiences taking photos.

I hope that this makes sense.

How many photos did I take on my trip to Santorini?

Well I took quite a few photos on this trip. Over 2000. I will write about image selection in a separate post. Image selection took a long time – much longer than I was hoping.

How many photos have I selected for editing?

I narrowed the number of images I want to edit down to 135 images, which I reduced after editing 53 images.

How did I choose the images to edit?

Slowly is the answer. Too slowly. And over too long a period of time. The problem was that I was not sure what I was choosing the images for – I did not have a plan for what to do with these images.
And now I do.

My new website, photos of Santorini

This was the missing link. What to do with the photos I took in Santorini? Chuck them in a page on my main website, https://rickmcevoyphotography.com/

No. I wanted to do more than that with these images.
So no – a new website which you are on right now.

My favourite pictures of Santorini

Once I had decided to produce a website dedicated to Santorini, my favourite photos and how I got the photos things began to make sense.

I managed to narrow over 2000 images down to my favourite 20 pictures of Santorini, which I will write about on this website, one post per photo. That is a nice simple organised structure that I can work with.

These posts will include behind the scenes photos and videos, as well as the tails of how I got to the locations, how I captured the images and why I only had one pair of shoes!

I will also describe in detail how I edited some of the images – not all of them – that will be far too dull.

And what about the other edited images?

I will add all these images that I have edited to a gallery so you can view them all. This gallery will of course include my favourite 20 photos.

Not too serious

My website photos of Santorini is not too serious – I hope that you all enjoy my photos and my stories of getting the images.

Introduction over.

The next post will be my favourite picture (taken by me) of the wonderful island of Santorini. How I got the shot, the gear I used, my camera settings and how I processed the photo.

One last thing

If you want to buy an image, or want to speak to me about future collaboration email me at sales@rickmcevoyphotography.co.uk.

Rick McEvoy ABIPP – Photographer, writer, blogger

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